In-Office Ear Tubes: The Hummingbird

Ear infections in children are the most common reason families visit their pediatrician’s office each year in the United States. In fact, 75% of pediatric patients will have at least one ear infection by the time they are 3 years old, and 1 in 15 children will have ear tubes placed.

Ear tube placement is often recommended for children with recurrent ear infections. This procedure helps create proper air flow to the ear and reduces fluid buildup while greatly decreasing the likelihood of future ear infections.

Most commonly, ear tube placement is performed in an operating room setting and involves fasting, general anesthesia, and post-recovery care and monitoring. Parents also undergo the challenge of managing the stress associated with surgery for their child, as well as costs that are often significant.

The Hummingbird Procedure

Los Angeles Center for Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy is one of the pioneering institutions in the United States to introduce an innovative solution for ear tube surgery. The FDA-approved Hummingbird® device is a groundbreaking approach that eliminates the requirement for general anesthesia and allows the surgery to be performed in the office, providing a more comfortable experience for both parents and children. Moreover, parents are welcome to be present during the procedure, reducing stress levels and providing comfort and reassurance to the child. This procedure is expertly performed by Dr. Trenkle at LAENT.

This procedure is expertly performed by Dr. Trenkle at LAENT.

Dr. Geoffrey B. Trenkle, D.O.


Board Certified Surgeon

Otolaryngology/Facial Plastics

Best Otolaryngologist in Los Angeles, Dr Geoffrey Trenkle, D.O.

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How Does it Work?

The process begins with your child's ENT Surgeon administering a topical anesthetic to numb the eardrum. Using the exclusive Hummingbird device Los Angeles surgeons at LACENTA will then expertly and safely insert the ear tubes. Typically taking less than 5 minutes, this quick procedure allows your child to resume normal activities immediately afterwards.


The Hummingbird procedure helps you avoid common risks and challenges that often come with traditional ear tube surgery by removing the need for:

  • Preoperative Testing
  • Fasting
  • General Anesthesia
  • Post-Recovery Care at Hospital (3-4 Hours)
  • Additional Costs for Operating Room and Facility Fees

A Trusted Procedure

In clinical studies, a 98% success rate was reported with an average procedure time of 5 minutes. In addition, it was found that 98% of parents would recommend the Hummingbird after receiving it for their own child.


To learn more about this quick, safe, and lower-cost option for ear tubes, please schedule an appointment. We look forward to discussing this option with you to determine if your child is a candidate for this new procedure.

To watch a short video on the Hummingbird, please visit:

Parent Testimonials:

Hummingbird Los Angeles Hummingbird device patient with child

Choose Your Preferred Los Angeles Location

East LA

1700 E. Cesar Chavez Ave
Suite 2500
Los Angeles, CA 90033

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